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2019 China Internet Conference

2019 China Internet Conference

July 30
00:00 2019

The cum value Internet and digital technology application development forum ended successfully

On July 10, 2019, the China Internet Conference and Value Internet and Digital Technology Application Development Forum was successfully concluded at the Beijing National Convention Center. The forum partners include Global Blockchain Exploration Institute, China Commercial Telecommunications, and Conservation Internet of Things Technology Co., Ltd. Hong Kong’s contentment capital, US Silicon Valley Consensus Capital, China Blockchain Ecology Alliance, Golden Finance, Hong Kong Shenglink Technology, Parson Glasses, Walter Oriental (HTDF), Shenzhen Haohao Film and Television Co., Ltd., etc.

The forum invites top experts, scholars, industry leaders and relevant national government departments in the global industry to exchange cutting-edge digital technology innovation and value Internet, and share experiences in technological innovation and development.


This forum has three highlights:

First, the industry big coffee, round table dialogue

Second, the interpretation of authoritative policies and trends

3. Provide a platform for entrepreneurial enterprises to connect with industry, technology docking, investment and financing docking, marketing and project landing and transformation.


Big coffee set

Morning field

In the morning session of the forum, China Internet Association leader He Guili said in his speech how we applied the blockchain technology well. It is the subject of our current research. We must find the application place and we must find the corresponding value. We should pay attention to the district. The technical value of the blockchain project and efforts to develop technology. Actively incorporate blockchain projects into business scenarios to develop business value.

Then, as the representative of the forum, the representative of the conservation of Internet of Things Technology Co., Ltd. Xiong Zong (Xiong Tianliang) took the stage to speak, said that the conservation of Internet of Things Technology Co., Ltd. actively carried out the blockchain protocol and standards research, credibility and security testing and practical Solution development, support the formulation of relevant policies and laws, and hope to strengthen exchanges and cooperation with people of insight from all walks of life at home and abroad. He also expressed the hope that the guests of this forum will conduct in-depth exchanges on issues such as blockchain technology evolution, industry application, standard construction and regulatory governance, deepen cooperation, and jointly promote the healthy and orderly development of China’s blockchain.

Zhu Youping, deputy director of the China Information Network Management Center, said that the current era is the I’MABCDEFG era, I: the Internet, the development of the Internet of Things; M: mobile terminals, from mobile phones to electric vehicles; A: artificial intelligence; B: Is the blockchain; C: is cloud computing; D: is big data; E: is life science; F: is aerospace; G: is 5G. They are explained in depth and there are data showing that the digital economy contributes more than two-thirds to GDP growth.

Sun Xiangxuan, deputy director of the Training and Testing Organization of Blockchain Technology Application Manager, said that due to the rapid development of the blockchain industry, the shortage of talents was serious. In the future, we should support the blockchain and focus on introducing blockchain talents. The “Blockchain Technology Application Manager” qualification certificate issued by the “Blockchain Technology Application Manager” training and examination institution can be used as a certificate of professional technology and management level and as a basis for engaging in relevant positions.

In the roundtable forum, Zhu Youping, deputy director of the China Information Network Management Center, Cai Zhichuan, president of the Asian Blockchain Society, Zhuo Yilang, chairman of the Global Blockchain Exploration Institute, China, and the blockchain technology application manager Wang Yuhan, director of the training and examination institution, and Li Zhaoben, dean of the Hong Kong Sheng Chain Community College, conducted a deep discussion on how to empower the entity and apply the economy under the auspices of the host Xu Yingsheng.

At the end of the morning, Paloalto (AFO) China Representative Chen Haoyun explained the Paloalto mechanism and said that Paloalto is the next generation distributed computing network operating system, combining AI artificial intelligence and big data to provide decentralized oracles, and The DAPP application developed by the current public chain provides distributed computing and storage services, which truly opens up the era of value Internet, and solves the problem of decentralization, security and scalability of blockchain technology through seven core technologies.


Afternoon field

Gao Lulin, the leader of the China Internet Society, gave a speech at the opening of the forum in the afternoon. He talked about the thoughts caused by Facebook’s release of Libra, saying that the new normal of the digital economy brings us new opportunities and challenges, and the implementation of the innovation-driven development strategy will also be China. Sustainability brings new endogenous motivation. We should build consensus, forge ahead, and build an innovative system that combines digital economy and real economy with a spirit of hard work.

Then Zhang Lang, Dean of China’s Market Value Strategy Research Institute, mentioned that the next wealth revolution is the awakening and rise of consumers. It talks about the support of consumers for enterprises. Blockchain technology can be specific to which consumers are doing for these companies. Contributing. It also explains the relationship between market value and consumers in depth. The technology itself has no so-called greatness. Only the technology to solve practical problems is great, and it talks about the relationship between blockchain technology and distribution mechanism.

Huang Lianjin, Distinguished Research Fellow of Big Data Blockchain and Regulatory Technology Lab and Legal Chain Lab of Renmin University of China, said that the application scenarios of the frontier blockchain of digital technology are as follows: 1. Tools for financing; , cross-border payment and value storage; 3, games; 4, mining; 5, meeting; 6, media; 7, exchanges. And when it comes to the blockchain, it will have a maturity period. Moreover, the blockchain alone is not enough as a technology. It needs to be integrated with other technologies, artificial intelligence, cloud computing, big data, etc., and multiple technologies can be combined to have more application scenarios. It is a mistake to talk about the short-and-fast mode of blockchain financing.

Zhang Haoming, Dean of the Consensus College, gave a speech on the business application and prospects of Phantom. Phantom is positioned in the future blockchain and distributed underlying infrastructure, with a million-level TPS, cross-chain technology and fragmentation technology, and strong multi-chain interconnection. The problem of data integration can be applied to multiple industries in the future and become an enterprise-level infrastructure chain, such as financial industry, Internet of Things, payment, insurance, media, software development, social management, etc.; will provide a new brand for the traditional real economy. Empowering the new platform.

Hua Tingfang (HTDF) Commercial Director Chai Songyu gave a presentation on the HTDF eco-application scenario, indicating that Walt East (HTDF) is a block-chain digital eco-wisdom home led by Orientwalt Foundation LTD. Based on the POS+PBFT hybrid consensus mechanism, chain group cross-chain technology and other governance mechanisms and diversified mining techniques, it solves a series of specific problems such as the difficulty of landing applications in the blockchain era.

In the roundtable forum, Zhang Lang, Dean of China’s Market Value Strategy Research Institute, Huang Lianjin, Distinguished Research Fellow of Big Data Blockchain and Regulatory Technology Lab and Law Chain Lab of Renmin University of China, Gems of Shenchuang College, Walter Oriental (HTDF) ) founder mike wu, Shenzhen Shouheng Internet of Things Technology Co., Ltd. leader Xiong Tianliang, cryptography expert Jie Shengyuan, under the auspices of Zhang Haoming, the president of the very consensus college, on the process of digital technology application ecology, real economy and digital economy integration The collision has been explored in depth.

Then Li Zhaoben, Dean of Hong Kong Sheng Chain Community College, explained the HTML5 multimedia platform. The HTML5 multimedia platform is building the world’s first complete blockchain game development toolset. With the Enchantment Lab toolset, developers can easily and quickly create blockchain games without having to focus on complex underlying technology implementations, and can open virtual asset flows between games through blockchains. At the same time, Lab has built four core platforms, namely distributed communication Enchantment and storage cloud platform, game distribution platform, virtual item trading platform, Enchantment advertising platform and Enchantment incubator for players, content providers, channels and advertisers. Provide comprehensive blockchain solutions and services to build a complete ecosystem.

Li Xing, Commercial Director of Shouheng Internet of Things Technology Co., Ltd. introduced the integration of the conservation of the Internet of Things, providing technology development, product customization, marketing planning and intelligent solutions with the concept of specialization, platform, service and sharing. , resource docking services, through the technology and solutions to interconnect the terminal devices, AI empowerment, blockchain empowerment. In combination with the offline 40+ operations segment to rapidly integrate the market, from technology to resources to service integration services, we are committed to improving the quality of life for human beings.

Finally, this forum ushered in a speech by Feng Qidong, director of the propaganda department of the film industry. The film’s fragrant red azalea is a real story deed from a real story. It is currently in our nationwide. Strive to promote the story of poverty alleviation and inspirational film born under the background of poverty alleviation policy. It is also said that Howley Pictures will take out part of the profits of the film to assist in the construction of poverty-stricken mountainous areas in Guizhou Province, and provide assistance to left-behind children. And at the conference, the entrepreneurs are called upon to contribute to the construction of poor mountain areas!

So far, the 2019 China Internet Conference and Value Internet and Digital Technology Application Development Forum has drawn a successful conclusion in the applause. The large scale and high specification of the summit have far-reaching significance for the development of blockchain innovation. While participating parties are enthusiastically discussing the current status and development of blockchain technology, they also have positive prospects for the future and future of blockchain technology. Looking forward, we look forward to the blockchain technology will usher in greater development in the near future.

Contact Detail:

Company Name: China Internet Conference
Contact Person: Jack Wu
Email: Jack_wu2018@gmail.com
Country: China
Website Url: www.afo-net.com

Source URL: http://kjnewswire.com/4044/2019-china-internet-conference

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